The mollete of Antequera is a traditional bread product made of flour, water, salt and baking powder; all of them 100% natural ingredients that give an idea of how healthful and nutritious this product is. The mollete is a traditional product of Arabian origin that here in Antequera we have perpetuated and that in Don Mollete baker’s we know how to produce under the strictest quality controls.

We also produce and distribute picos (bread sticks) and regañas (little pieces of bread), all them bread products in which we put our knowledge and all the care required so that our consumer keep confiding in us.

In Don Mollete Baker’s we are working in a new system that will revolutionize the mollete’s natural life. It consists on its production under controlled atmosphere, so we will commercialise our product from Antequera to whole Spain and part of Europe, giving guarantee of one week preserving with no additives. If you would like to know more about our products, how to distribute or acquire them, do not hesitate in contact us; please, click here.

Pol. Ind. Mollina S/N · MOLLINA (MÁLAGA)

Tel. / Fax (+0034) 952 740 567

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